Attention! Here Are 22 Types Of Joint Pain You Must Know

Our joints are extremely sensitive. Every single day, we engage in so many activities that cause usual or abrupt movement of joints. At times, particular joints are used excessively, body is hurt or bones turn fragile as we age; thus, causing pain in joints. Toes, ankles, hips, knees, etc. are some of the joints attacked by pain.

While arthralgia refers to non-inflammatory joint pain, arthritis is classification of inflammatory pain. Whatever be the pain, it causes discomfort and soreness. Talking about best supplement for joint pain, it depends upon one’s age, intensity of pain and its stage.

Understanding the complexity of the joint pain, let us discover its 22 types and discover the difference between each.


The deadly term refers to joint inflammation. When an individual finds it difficult to move and their body turns stiff, there is possibility of them suffering from arthritis. Intense pain and swelling of the joints are the consequences.

As per observations, arthritis leads to disability in people who are over 50 years of age. Studies done by Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) found that United States has around 50 million patients dealing with this disorder.


Causing impairment of joint cartilage and underlying bone, it is common form of arthritis. It affects people who are in the middle ages and severe pain is felt in hip or knee. Breakdown and loss of cartilage joints is caused in some cases.  


Gout refers to decline in something and is a sort of joint pain that leads to problems in uric acid metabolism. Some people undergo deposition of chalk-stone in joints due to this condition. Known as disorder that grows, gout causes major pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis 

It affects joints of hands and feet and has impact on the lining of the joints. RA results in bone erosion that causes swelling.

Worst part about this joint pain is its ability to develop into immune disorder; thus, leading to condition when antibodies attack own healthy tissues. Apart from damaging linings of joints, rheumatoid arthritis also has impact on eyes and skin. 
Post-Traumatic Arthritis

Wearing out of injured joint leads to this particular joint pain. An injury or fracture sometimes alters the mechanics of a joint. As a result, rubbing and wearing & tearing of joints come into the picture. Damage grows more with excess body weight and weak bones.

Migratory Arthritis

It spreads from one joint to another joint and is characterized by pain in joint and stiffness. Joint that was attacked first, starts feeling better, as the pain travels to other joints. Migratory arthritis is possible with anyone, no matter what age group they belong to.

Aching Joints

Here, inflammation happens inside the joints. Also, irritation of nerve endings is caused. Sometimes, cartilage is damaged. Lifting or carrying heavy load strikes the pain up.

Joint Tenderness

This is a terrible condition which increases further when the painful joint is pressed. When the joint moves, pain is felt. Tenderness can happen due to inflammation, injury or infection. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness and redness of joints.

Joint Swelling

Buildup of soft tissues around a joint leads to swelling. Intense activities, injury and playing sports are the main reasons to be blamed.  

Stiff Joints

Swelling in joint is related to stiffness. It happens due to an injury. In certain cases, painful joints act rigid and resist any kind of movement. In this condition, two surfaces of joints rub against each other.


Inflammation of a bursa that’s in the shoulder joint is the reason behind bursitis and it leads to irritation. It is a type of sac that has lubricating fluid inside. The fluid resides between the tissues of tendons, bones and muscles. Rubbing and friction are decreased by the fluid. Causing factors behind the pain include minor though repetitive affect on the area. Other factor is increasing age, as the tissue loses elasticity and becomes fragile.

Charcot Joint

Also known as neuropathic arthropathy, it leads to deterioration of joints that bear the weight. Its adverse cases are damaged bones, re-absorption and deformity.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Known as TMD, this pain is characterized by abnormality of mastication muscles and temopromandibular joints. Muscle movement is restricted and noise from the joints generates at times. The condition attacks women more than men.

Joint Redness

Redness of skin over the affected joint is termed as joint redness. Inflammation, joint injury and infection are the factors behind. It grows more due to skin infections or arthritis.

Inflammatory Joint Effusion

When fluid builds in the knee joint, this type of pain takes place. Increase in fluid in the synovial cavity of a joint is the clear reason. When joint becomes inflammatory, the problem is known as inflammatory joint effusion. This condition is characterized by high White Blood Cells.

Non Inflammatory Joint Effusion

It may be infectious. The knee appears cloudy and culture is positive. The WBC count goes higher.

Hemorrhagic Joint Effusion

In this pain, blood accumulates in the joint cavity. Deficiency of clotting factors or connective tissue ailments are the main causes. Possibility of joint destruction grows with increase in the problem. Talking about normal cases, pain and swelling take place. Leaving it uncured leads to fatal consequences.

Ankle pain and Tendinitis

  Also known as a Jumper’s knee, this disorder leads to pain and tenderness at joint’s body surface. Usually, tendinitis happens in shoulder and elbows. Though it is possible for it to occur as inflammation of irritation of a tendon, it ruptures the tendon in severe forms.

Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis)

  It is specified as cellular death of bone components owing to interruption of blood supply. It eventually leads to bone collapse. This joint condition generally occurs in the upper leg.


  Swelling that’s painful and happening on the first joint of the big toe is also known as bunion. Here, what actually happens is lateral deviation of the great toe. To mitigate rubbing of toe with shoes, modified design footwear is essential.

Paget’s Disease

    Undesirable change in bone tissues like skull, spine or pelvis happens when this joint ailment takes place. Usually, it is seen in elder people. Here, it is important to know that this disease is related with breast cancer and causes nipple inflammation.

Severe joint pain

    When joint pain is left unattended, it turns into severe pain and stops ones from carrying out daily activities. Besides resulting in any of the above explained issues, it leads to wearing of joints or permanent damage of the tissue.

Anytime severe pain in the joint is experienced, one must get it diagnosed and start with the treatment on time. Also, they should step back from engaging in heavy activities.

As now you are well-familiar with types of joint pain, before starting with just any joint pain relief, make sure identifying what kind of problem you are having. The clearly you know, the better treatment you will seek. 
